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If you are new to this blog or not a frequent visitor, you may have the feeling of having just walked into the middle of an argument and feel at a loss for bearings. In fact, you have - walked into the middle of an argument. 

Most blogs post a story as a single post and then move on. This blog has become one long story with each post dealing with the next episode of that story and the comments often directing where the story goes. For now, it is necessary to proceed in this manner so as not to stifle the conversation that we are all finding so interesting. 

The main reason we are finding it interesting is because our major opponents in this story, the neocatechumenals - with their private liturgies, closed communities, hidden catechism, and generally separatist ways - are, in the context of the comments on this blog, telling us much about their beliefs and practices, and much that we would not otherwise know through normal inquiry. 

So we will continue to let the conversation flow. But to help those who are just wandering in. Here's some context.

In July of 2013, Archbishop Apuron, the archbishop of the Archdiocese of Agana, demanded the resignation of the much respected and well-liked pastor of Santa Barbara Parish, Fr. Paul Gofigan.

The archbishop's charge against Fr. Paul, (that he had not terminated an employee as previously ordered) was not only proven to be wrong, the archbishop, in his haste to be rid of Fr. Paul, violated the provisions of Canon Law required for the removal of pastors. 

Fr. Paul, as was his canonical right, retained a canon lawyer and has appealed the archbishop's action against him. The case is currently before the Congregation for the Clergy in Rome and is awaiting a hearing. 

In addition, Fr. Paul was not only fired as pastor, he was removed as Director of Vocations and Director of Diaconate Formation. AND he was also effectively ex-cardinated, having been told to go find another bishop. 

These actions were sudden, vicious, canonically illegal, and so "out of the blue", that it caused many to question if the archbishop had an ulterior motive, especially given that Fr. Paul was immediately able to produce a letter showing he had terminated the employee as ordered two years previously. 

This suspicion of an ulterior motive was heightened by the fact that even with the evidence Fr. Paul had produced - that he had obeyed the earlier directive, the archbishop changed the charge against Fr. Paul and proceeded with his actions against him. 

To understand why the archbishop acted so viciously and has persisted in the removal of Fr. Paul despite the evidence that his charge was false, one must read the account against the backdrop of the presence and influence of the Neocatechumenal Way in this archdiocese for the last two decades and particularly its influence over the archbishop. 

The Neocatechumenal Way is supposed to be a particular method of adult Catholic formation, similar to Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA). But "supposed to be" are the operative words. The Neocatechumenal Way regularly flaunts Vatican authority, especially in its celebration of the "eucharist." 

In 2006, Archbishop Apuron, already a member of the Way - as they refer to themselves - took a public stance against Rome and the universal Church and sided with the leaders of the Way on a dispute over the way the NCW celebrated its eucharist. In short, Apuron questioned the credentials of the Prefect for the Congregation of Divine Worship who spoke in the name of the pope and who had asked the Way to conform its liturgy to the liturgical books. 

This was a major act of defiance: i.e. bishop tells pope NO. Of course Apuron was only echoing what the leaders of the Way had already themselves told the pope, but Apuron's act, being a bishop (the leaders of the Way are only lay persons), was huge, and it attracted major media attention in Rome. But it also attracted major attention here at home, leading to an open protest in front of the Agana Cathedral in April of 2008. 

With Apuron's defiance, the Archdiocese of Agana unofficially split into neo and non-neo factions, neo and non-neo priests, with the archbishop beginning what some priests refer to as a "reign of terror". 

In the middle of this was Fr. Paul, not because he wanted to be, but simply because he was pastor of the largest parish on the island. Fr. Paul did not oppose the Way, but he did demand that they conform the liturgies to the liturgical books as already required by Rome which was further required by their own Statute as approved in 2008. 

Because Fr. Paul's parish was the biggest "peach" (numbers equal money and power), and because he was its pastor, it was only a matter of time before he got "the letter". And so he did. 

The archbishop, never having his power questioned for nearly three decades, did not expect Fr. Paul to stand up to him, nor did he expect a layman like me to dare publicize the atrocities against Fr. Paul and others. 

Where this will end up, we don't know. It really doesn't matter at this point. What is important is that whoever is bishop, and whoever is pastor, knows that the laity want their clergy to be accountable, that they are not feudal lords, that we are not vassals, that we are the "active participation of the laity" they say they want. Well here we are. 

The archbishop and his neo-conferrers are, for the most part (we think) keeping quiet, probably hoping we will go away. But the neo-defenders are out in force, attacking wherever and however they can. And in so doing, tell us who they really are. 

And that's the "conversation" you have just waded into. Good luck. 


  1. The Intrigues of this archdiocese are attracting readers from all over the world. Who is this archbishop Apuron and what exactly does he desire in the unfolding drama of events in the pacific paradise of Guam.

    1. Archbishop Apuron is a member of the NCW, which is a proto-Protestant organization run by two lay people from Spain. The NCW and the archbishop think that regular Catholics -- that is Catholics who are not members of the NCW -- are "spiritually dry" and "Judases." It is the goal of the NCW to replace regular Catholicism with the NCW. Archbishop Apuron is leading that effort on behalf of the NCW on Guam. He intends to totally destroy the Catholic Church on Guam in order to drive disillusioned Catholics into the beckoning arms of the NCW. He has so far partially succeeded in this effort. However, instead of turning to the NCW many have turned to Protestant churches (which have begun to flourish under Apuron's reign) or abandoned Christianity altogether (which abandonment has been accompanied by skyrocketing increases in all manner of vice and self-destructive behavior as evidenced by local and federal agency reports). This appears to be acceptable collateral damage in the view of the archbishop. The faithful Catholic of Guam have now sought the intervention of the Apostolic Delegate, Archbishop Martin Krebs, but he has not responded. That's more or less the situation with the Catholic Church here on Guam. Pretty unbelievable and more so incredibly sad and tragic.

    2. Ma'am or Sir ,
      I to live in Guam. So these Neo Catechumenals are proto Protestants ? So they are Neo Catholics meaning they are conservative but have a liberal outlook ? Or they are up to modern changes for the Roman Catholic Church ? And the Non Neos are conservatives that respect the teachings and the supreme authority of the Holy See right ? Sorry to ask , I'm a bit confuse with the Neos and Non Neos . But I do respect the supreme authority of the Holy See and the Pope when what Second Vatican Council has established. I am more a conservative.

  2. Researched this archbishop. It seems he has a history of problems in the past years. Problems with his own religious community the Franciscans. Then he released an attack on Islam. He seems to be surrounded by clouds. Now all these finance stories. Sounds very difficult situation.

  3. I am allowing the above comment to be posted with the following clarification. The "Islam" issue is not correct. It was actually a homosexual issue and how Islam treats homosexuals (kills them) was mixed into the letter that was released on that matter. However, I happen to know that the Archbishop didn't write it, though he allowed it to be released on his letterhead so he'll have to take responsibility for it nevertheless.

  4. Now that Father Paul has been removed, has the archbishop put a neo-priest in Santa Barbara parish and is the neo now there?

    1. Dear March 23...12:32AM,
      To my knowledge.......there are no Neo priests or Neo groups at Santa Barbara parish. However, there are those who suspect that because the "case" between Archbishop Apuron and Rev. Paul has been forwarded to Rome, there will be no movement of any Neo troops.

  5. The Neocatechumenal Way is a lot more dangerous than some realize

  6. It would be a good idea to hit on the topics that the Kikos preach. So far, you hit the issues on distribution of the Eucharist, purgatory, . You still need to hit on others such as Sin does not offend God, ressurrection, everyone is a priest. This will really get everyone's attention. The other issues did. Keep up the good work Tim.

  7. I will pitch in on the issues. Let me know. Penny

  8. I am in full agreement that our Archbishop is out of control and needs to be removed or retire. He has driven a wedge between the Catholics by his fervent support of the Neocatechumenal against all others. I for one came to the faith because of Monsignor James, to whom I am eternally grateful for his guidance.
    I can appreciate those of you that use "Anonymous" but ask you to be brave and step forward and out of the shadows. I learned, even against all odds and powerful forces, that truth and prayer ALWAYS prevails, God never sleeps.
    Our Archbishop has lost his way and has been corrupted by power and is no longer fit to lead our faith on Guam.
    Jerry Yingling

  9. I believe that Msgr James will make a better Bishop; his removal is a constructive discharge at its best by his Excellency Aparon to make sure Msgr James does not get his Excellency's only shoes.

    From a Yona resident

  10. In response to those speculating about who will be the next bishop, it is the desire of every priest with their head screwed on straight that the next bishop not be from Guam. This is also why no local bishop has been appointed to Saipan even after 5 years. Things are such a mess and there is so much hostility and fear that Rome will need to appoint an outside diocesan administrator who will probably need to run the diocese for at least 5 years before and bishop can be considered. I would like to leave it a that and not post any more comments about the next bishop. Thank you.

  11. After reading the interview and comments of Fr Sammut in the PDN 8/3/14 article,I had to comment. Fr Sammut said "...The previous owner of the hotel sold it for just $1.9 million with the proviso that the building be used as an educational facility." l worked at Bank of Guam until recently and the story I was told was that Mr. Jesus Leon Guerrero called the Archbishop and told him the hotel was a good deal (the bank owned the property since it had repossessed it). If this is true, I doubt the bank would put a provision on the sale.

    1. You are correct. BOG would have never put a proviso on the sale. The Archdiocese originally worked a loan with BOG to purchase the property. A donor soon thereafter provided a donation to pay off the loan. The donor was from off island and gave the money with the following provisions:
      1. The donor would remain anonymous
      2. The money would be used for the purchase of a "defunct hotel" for the purpose of a seminary.

  12. I am sad about what is happening, but I'm also disappointed with the Archbishop and his inaction/silence/feeble responses, among other things, as well as mad over the treatment of Monsignor James, Fr. Efren, and Fr. Paul. That said, the silver lining in all of this is that your clarification of certain canon laws makes me a more informed Catholic--even though I am a long-time member of what many consider to be a vibrant, energetic parish. Thank you for that, Tim.

  13. How does all this affect us as individuals in our belief and following of the holy bible to attain God's blessings, spiritual guidance during our human life on earth and entry into the kingdom of God when the spirit leaves the body.

  14. I am new to this-reading blogs and spending time in front of my computer! I have perused Chuck White's Thoughtful Catholic and Tim's JungleWatch. May I suggest, Tim, that your readers check out Mr White's blog--I do not find his language offensive. His writings are "educational" and "interesting." To me, your vocabulary is rather abusive and serves no purpose but to inflame your readers. Then again, maybe that is your audience. By the way, I am not neo.....

    1. Ummm, why do you think we call it "the jungle". New to spending time in front of your computer? Right. Probably as true as "I am not a neo..."

  15. I am new to this damm catholic blog. I would like t this NCW to go elswhere like france or spain. Gaum is not the plece for all this nonesense. The Chuch was fine the way it was before you FANCY CUPCAKES come to Guam. We were fine the way we were befere. Get out of here!!!!! Lets keep it SIMPLE. NO MORE FANCY CUPCAKES. I am Tired Tired Tired I would like to go back to chuch like I used to Until you Pretty Girl Cupcakes ruin everything. GET OUT of Here so I can go back to mass. Why do we need NCW. Get close, Horny, Get close to Christ WHat. What is your problem. Go workout at the gym or SOMething. Get out of here pretty BOY.

